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Crisis Communications & Litigation Research

Crisis Communications & Litigation Research

In-depth public opinion research is essential to managing communications during a crisis. While crisis situations are often beyond an organization’s control, utilizing proven research practices helps marketers, communications strategists, company executives, and legal counsel regain time and ground lost to competitors if a crisis occurs. Research America helps organizations and brands quickly assess issues affecting their bottom-line and react accordingly through listening to consumers before, during and after a negative event.

Our consultants help corporate executives, brand managers, and the legal team measure public opinion and consumer trust, and how resilient the client’s reputation is during all phases of a crisis, including during initial response hours and post-correction. Our researchers measure the impact a crisis has on your business, test crisis message templates, evaluate reaction to crisis test-case scenarios, and help uncover emerging issues affecting your business.

Research America’s time-sensitive reporting services include delivering detailed data and dashboards with responses coded by critical regional and demographic variables within a crisis-minded timeframe. Quickly delivering data that helps clients move past a negative event to immediately taking corrective action through marketing, media management and public relations.

While each of our crisis engagements are customized to meet a client’s specific needs, Research America’s consultants have deep experience with the following methodologies:

Corporate/Brand Reputation Research – Baseline quantitative surveys to assess the effects of a crisis on corporate reputation, brand strength, and customer loyalty.

Message Testing – Consumer focus groups, in-depth interviews, online qual boards, dial-testing, and quantitative messaging tests to evaluate resonance with targeted audiences.

Brushfire Surveys – During a crisis rapidly changing events can impact stakeholder opinion. Brushfire surveys are designed to be provide fast and actionable insights about unfolding on key audience opinion.

Social Media Monitoring – Metrics to measure the frequency and sentiment of trending content about the crisis as shared via social media.

In addition to experience in crisis communications research, the firm is also experienced in trial support and litigation research including:

Research America’s crisis research consultants will help you assess public opinion and your organization’s response to a crisis. Even before a negative event occurs, Research America’s consultants will assist you in consistently tracking your company’s image and reputation over time, so that if crises rise, you can take fast action to rebuild the organization’s reputation and brand equity.

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