Healthcare Market Research
Rising health care costs. Changing patient demographics. Evolving consumer expectations. New market entrants. Complex health and technology ecosystems. Increasing outpatient delivery. Consolidation and integration. The global healthcare market is rapidly changing, presenting both opportunities and challenges within this Industry. Healthcare stakeholders need to invest in value-based care, innovative care delivery models, advanced digital technologies, data interoperability, and alternative employment models to prepare for these uncertainties and build a smart health foundation for the future. Understanding how to make these investments amid a rapidly changing and challenging environment requires deep insight gathered through healthcare market research. As a fully integrated healthcare market research company with a developed background serving a number of Fortune 100 companies, we are able to conduct quantitative and qualitative research at any scale. We combine measurable psychology and anthropology-based research with our knowledgeable staff to provide actionable and targeted results.
Our expertise in healthcare marketing research includes:
- Disease areas such as Auto-Immune, Dermatology, Pain Management, Oncology, Cardiology, Sexual Dysfunction, Gastroenterology, and Ophthalmology
- Medical Device areas such as Cardiac, Anesthesiology, Diabetes, Pulmonary, and Surgical Devices
Research America provides healthcare market research to help decision-makers understand the current situation as well as how it might potentially change, including:
- Key market influencers for healthcare decisions
- Understand and measure perceptions and attitudes
- Competitive position and advantage
- Understand the needs of key healthcare consumer segments
- Identify core service enhancements to improve market position
- Employee Feedback Program to align the message and delivery
- Identify emerging trends for desired and needed services
- Test new services and measure anticipated use
- Effectiveness of PR and Marketing initiatives (messaging, media channels, key influencers
Medical Market Research
We understand that the success of your organization depends on the needs and opinions of professional groups or other key informants. By conducting medical market research, organizations can identify areas of improvement allowing for necessary changes to improve satisfaction levels
Our senior executives have conducted over 6,000 consumer medical market research assessments, including:
- Market position studies
- Consumer need assessment and demand feasibility studies
- Preference, image and awareness studies
- Brand association and attribute studies
- Advertising awareness and tracking, and slogan or tag line recognition
- Existing & potential service and site usage projections
- Site-selection assessments
- Refine & focus PR & Marketing initiatives (message, media channels, identify key drivers/influencers)
Medical Staff Satisfaction and Referring Practitioner Market Research:
Our senior staff has conducted thousands of physician surveys and healthcare market research on behalf of providers nationwide. Our approach often produces response rates of up to 70% among staff physicians.
- Loyalty (% of patient admissions to client hospital)
- Overall satisfaction with the hospital
- Satisfaction with various aspects of service
- Rating of administrative responsiveness
- Patient referral patterns
- Cases referred away from client hospital
Patient Satisfaction Market Research
We examine patient satisfaction on a unit, site, or service-level basis. Patients express their views on key service attributes as well as the most salient satisfaction issues. Overall satisfaction, likelihood to recommend (advocacy), and likelihood to return (retention) are assessed.
Research America conducts patient satisfaction market research for the following patient segments:
- inpatients (by unit, facility, or service line)
- outpatients (by facility, practice, or service line)
- emergency room patients (by shift or admitting physician)
- clinic/physician practice patients (by service type, physician, or location)
When you need to walk in your customers’ shoes, see the world through their eyes, experience their life as if it was your own, and to viscerally understand their unmet needs, you need a research firm which can explain how their minds are working and then how you can effectively influence their behaviors. Research America has a wide range of research methodologies and have specialized experts on staff with a very diverse toolbox.Key Advantages
- Superb patient journeys and customer experience reports
- Specialized research for journeys in the digital space
- HEOR for the economic and outcome journey and/or clinical trial experience
- For rare and ultra-rare diseases, our in-house recruitment unit can find and engage your targets
- Deeper, more meaningful, and more actionable results
- Can be built around your customer or patient segmentation, one of our PersonaSmart
personality-based psychological models, or both
- Assurance of a project completed to the highest standard, on time, and on budget
- Rare and ultra-rare diseases and specialties
For more information about our healthcare market research and survey capabilities, please Contact Us
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